Sizzling New Podcast: "Cheating: The Pain + Passion of Longing"
Factory Underground is pleased to announce the launch of "Cheating: The Pain + Passion of Longing," a new podcast by writer Jillian Hamilton, recorded at Factory Underground Studio.
The podcast is a unique blend of recorded interviews and original fiction by Jillian Hamilton, featuring the exploits of a character she created "Charlotte Snow." The stories are recited by Hamilton herself, within individual episodes. The interviews Hamilton conducts are with actual cheaters, who anonymously share intimate details of their lives. Altogether the podcast is highly entertaining as well as informative.
The first look at "Cheating: The Pain + Passion of Longing," was an Intro Video produced at Factory Underground Studio, which was launched on the Hamilton's new YouTube channel, also created and managed by Factory Underground Media.
Four episodes have been released on YouTube so far, including (3) original stories, and (1) interview with a serial cheater known only as "Clarke."
Answer Me You Son Of A Bitch (Episode 1)
The Blaming of The Shrew (Episode 2)
I'm Excited Hot and Bothered + You're Not! (Episode 3)
The response to this new podcast has been very strong, both in terms of the number of views her content is achieving on YouTube, but as well the interest in Jillian Hamilton herself, as writer, podcaster, and producer of "Cheating: The Pain + Passion of Longing."
Since the series was launched this past month, Hamilton was interviewed by Authority Magazine, an article titled: “5 Things You Need to Know to Survive and Thrive During and After a Divorce.”
To stay up to date on the latest news and information about Jillian Hamilton, have a look at her new website, built by Guzman Gonzalez at Factory Underground Media: http://www.JillianHamilton.Online
Learn more about Factory Underground Podcast and Audiobook Recording Services